Body & Mind MatterCounselling and Holistic Therapies in Bournemouth

Holistic Massage and Reiki. massage image

Holistic Massage and Reiki

What Is Holistic Massage?
Holistic Massage addresses the entire body as a WHOLE, concentrating on the physical body, the mental body and the emotional body. It is a gentle, person centred approach founded on the principle that touch is vital and fundamental to our wellbeing.

Movements and techniques used are generally slower and more meditative. As my client your peace is my priority and I encourage all clients to remain quiet during treatment to provide your body the opportunity to reset, rebalance and restore.

Thai Aroma Massage
The perfect blend of traditional holistic massage with the addition of stretching, palm pressing and working with the bodies Zen lines. As your Practitioner, I will enable movement in your body whilst you stay relaxed and warm under blankets listening to relaxing music.

Hawaiian Hands-free Massage
Whether you prefer slow and relaxing or fast and invigorating, this deep and rhythmical massage uses forearms, heels of hands and elbows in long flowing strokes to treat the whole body physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that we all have unseen life force energy. If our life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed. Reiki sessions can offer clients a safe healing space to relax and restore both body and mind.

Reiki treatments can feel like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person, including body, emotions, mind, and spirit. It is a simple, natural, and safe method of healing and self-improvement.

Sessions take place in my healing therapy space either lying down or in a seated position.

Benefits of Reiki:
• Reduction in stress levels
• A feeling and sense of peace and wellbeing
• Relaxation and a feeling of balance
• A deeper connection to self

"I have never tried Reiki on a one-to-one basis prior to seeing Michelle; I was intrigued and excited to experience something new and wasn't disappointed. I felt deeply relaxed and at ease during my treatment and have felt very peaceful and calm since. "

Oncology Massage Treatments Coming Soon
I will soon be offering massage treatments for clients who have been diagnosed with, living with, or are in post-cancer treatment.

Email me to learn more.

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Massage Menu

Please click here to see my massage menu which can all be blended to suit your needs using beautiful and natural Songbird massage waxes.

To book a Massage or Reiki treatment, please book here: Booking Form

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